Pubblicazione del Vol. 10, N. 3S (2020) – Supplementary issue – della rivista Italian Sociological Review Il numero è dedicato al tema: Family and Family relations at the Time of COVID-19.
I contributi del Vol. 10, N. 3S (2020):
1. Family and Family Relations at the Time of COVID-19: An Introduction
Paola Di Nicola, Elisabetta Ruspini
2. The Impact of COVID-19 on Family Relationships in Italy: Withdrawal on the Nuclear Family
Sara Mazzucchelli, Maria Letizia Bosoni, Letizia Medina
3. In the Time of COVID-19: Love and Transformations in the Family
Giuseppina Cersosimo, Patrizia Marra
4. Families, Relational Scenarios and Emotions in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Santina Musolino
5. Families and Intimate Relationships during COVID-19: Family Networks of Neapolitan Students
Maria Camilla Fraudatario, Riccardo Zaccaria
6. Families in the Pandemic Between Challenges and Opportunities: An Empirical Study of Parents with Preschool and School-Age Children
Caterina Balenzano, Giuseppe Moro, Sabrina Girardi
7. Childcare and Remote Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ideal Worker Model, Parenthood and Gender Inequalities in Italy
Maddalena Cannito, Alice Scavarda
8. Academic and Research Work from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: A Gender Perspective
Anna Carreri, Annalisa Dordoni
9. Care Tasks and New Routines for Italian Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Women
Francesca Lagomarsino, Ilaria Coppola, Rosa Parisi, Nadia Rania
10. Gender-Based Violence against Women in Intimate and Couple Relationships. The Case of Spain and Italy during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
Stellamarina Donato
11. Relational Violence in Emergency Conditions. A Methodological Proposal Based on Personal Network Analysis
Luca Toschi
12. Systemic Regeneration and Circular Society
Annamaria Rufino
13. Trust and Civic Engagement in the Italian COVID-19 Lockdown
Sandro Stanzani
I papers sono scaricabili alla pagina web di ISR