Call for Applications
6th STS Italia Summer School
University of Padova, September 27- October 1, 2022
PASTIS Research Group – University of Padova
STS Lab – University of Lausanne
STS ITALIA – Italian Society for Science and Technology Studies
In the last decade, Science and Technology Studies (STS) have paid increasing attention to the performative role of “futures”, anticipatory expectations, and “forward-looking statements” in co-defining knowledge-making processes and technological developments. Currently, this broad interest in disentangling the nexus between the future and technoscience flows into several research streams: from the assessment of long-term futures of technological innovation, setting out how future-oriented socio-technical imaginaries act upon real-time technoscientific innovation, up to actionable anticipatory frameworks and normative scenarios adopted to intervene in science, technology and innovation governance and policy-making.
The 6th STS Italia Summer School, with the support of EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), aims at providing a theoretical, analytical, and methodological toolbox to carry out STS-inspired research into the role of futures in co-producing technoscience and governance, and in reshaping science-technology-society interfaces.