Special Issue of The European Sociologist: Pandemic (Im)Possibilities
The Coronavirus pandemic is changing social life across the world at a very rapid rate. Everyday habits and practices that up until now have been taken for granted are either being altered in multiple ways or halted altogether. Governments are imposing ever stricter conditions upon the behaviours of those within their territories.
But at the same time, new modes of sociality are being created in and through the new social situations constantly coming into existence. People are responding in multiple ways – involving both panic and despair, as well as hopefully, creatively and ingeniously – to life in the time of pandemic. As some previous possibilities are closed down, new ones may now be opening up, perhaps with far-reaching but unpredictable effects.
Many, if not most, sociologists will be working from home currently, alongside carrying out familial and other responsibilities. The new working conditions may provide an opportunity to do some writing that one might not otherwise have done. We welcome more formal and scholarly types of writing, as well as informal reflections of a more personal (but still “sociological”) nature.
Be as creative as you like.
We aim for this special issue eventually to be a valuable historical document. It will illustrate how, in early to mid-2020, the trans-national sociological community responded both analytically and imaginatively to the crisis which unfolded around them, and how it felt to be a sociologist in what are, in some ways, unprecedented social contexts.
Read here the full CALL FOR ARTICLES – deadline: 14 April 2020 (Tuesday after Easter Monday)
We look forward to your contributions!
Stay healthy,
Dagmar Danko, Editor of The European Sociologist
David Inglis, Chair of the ESA Communications committee