CORONAVIRUS CRISIS AND MIGRATION Discrimination, inequalities, resistance
International Journal
Dve domovini/Two Homelands
Discrimination, inequalities, resistance
Guest editors:
Francesco Della Puppa – University of Venice, Fabio Perocco – University of Venice
Deriving from multiple ecological-social causes, the Coronavirus crisis affects all areas of the social life of peoples and states of the world. The global health crisis has amplified and triggered an economic crisis that existed before the Coronavirus crisis; the combination of the two crises into a double “ecological-healthcare” and “socio-economic” crisis has multiple consequences for everyone on the economic, social, political and cultural level, however, it affects social classes, workers, genders and territories in different ways, deepening social inequalities and worsening the social conditions of disadvantaged categories.
Among the most affected social groups we find migrants. This double crisis affects them all over the world in a particularly hard way, they are doubly affected as migrants (the object of a real war on migration for years) and as workers (long time target of an attack on labor). Restricted in their mobility, stranded in countries of departure or transit, huddled in reception centers in precarious conditions, hampered in admission procedures and applications for asylum/international protection, forced to work despite health risks, made invisible to the public discourse, forgotten by public policies, discriminated against in their access to prevention or treatment, accused of carrying the virus or being immune from it because they belong to different races, they are one of the most vulnerable groups at risk of suffering the heaviest consequences of this double crisis.
The purpose of this call for papers of the Journal “Dve domovini/Two Homelands” is to critically analyze the relationship between Coronavirus crisis and migration, with a particular attention to institutional discrimination, new inequalities, racism, but also to the forms of resistance put in place by migrants for the respect of their rights, their dignity, their health.
We are interested in the submission of works that critically investigate general or specific aspects of the relationship between Coronavirus crisis and migration, in all contexts of the world; topics may be, but are not limited to: displaced, refugees, asylum seekers and Coronavirus crisis; migration policies at the time of Covid-19; discrimination in access to welfare and health services; new health inequalities, also in epidemiological terms; consequences on migrant women and care-workers; migrant family and Covid-19; working conditions, migrant labor (logistics, manufacturing, agriculture, care) and health risk; migration movements, national borders and Covid-19; detention and health risk; racism in the name of the virus; protests and claims of migrants for health protection, access to services, regularization, access to international protection.
We invite articles submissions that respond to the above issues and questions.
Maximum length of the article: 30,000 characters (footnotes and bibliography included).
Timetable: Submission 1st February 2021; Publishing July 2021.
Instructions for authors: http://twohomelands.zrc-sazu.si/en/instructions_for_authors
Fabio Perocco fabio.perocco@unive.it
Francesco Della Puppa francesco.dellapuppa@unive.it
The International Journal “Dve domovini/Two Homelands” welcomes the submission of scientific and professional articles, reports, debates and book reviews from the fields of humanities and social sciences, focusing on migration and related phenomena. The journal, published since 1990, is multidisciplinary and multilingual. The journal is published biannually.
All articles undergo a review procedure.
Abstracts and indexing: SSCI – Social Sciences Citation Index, FRANCIS (Sociology/ Ethnology/Linguistics of Francis), IBZ, IBR, Sociological Abstracts, IBSS – International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, MSH-Maisons des Sciences de l’Homme, Social SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports / Social Science Edition, SCOPUS.
ISSN: 0353-6777
Website: http://twohomelands.zrc-sazu.si/en/main/index