In recent decades, work has undergone numerous mutations. New questions arise about the perception and value of work, the impact of digitalization, the virtues of the welfare state, and the social and ecological responsibility of employers, employees and companies. All these changes within the sphere of work raise the issue of the sustainability of work in various ways. The Summer Academy aims to explore the relationship between work and sustainability along four thematic axes: Sustainable Work and Ecology, Sustainable Work and Democracy, Sustainable Work and Social Welfare as well as Sustainable Work and Economic Development.Promoting an interdisciplinary approach, the Summer Academy welcomes contributions of advanced doctoral researchers and early post-docs (max. 2 years after PhD) from various disciplines engaged in research relating to the field of work and sustainability. The Academy will provide a space to discuss individual research projects with peer researchers and leading academics from different disciplinary backgrounds.The deadline for applications is December 31, 2020.For detailed information about the scope of the four thematic axes as well as the application process please follow the link below or contact