I contributi nel Vol. 12, N. 3 (2022):
1. Towards a Sociology of Reasonableness: Structure and Action in the Structural Interactionist Approach
Luigi Tronca, Michel Forsé
2. The Mental Health of the Migrant Patient: Between Medicalisation and the Expression of Social Suffering
Roberta Bova
3. A Political History of the Valorisation of Cultural Heritage in Italy: Conflicts in a Controversial Social Process
Giovanna Rech
4. The Value of Networks Against Food Waste: The Case of “Too Good To Go”
Stefania Fragapane, Ariela Mortara
5. Intra and Interreligious Dialogue before and after the Pandemic Distancing
Carmelina Chiara Canta, Alba Francesca Canta, Chiara Carbone, Andrea Casavecchia
6. Organized Cohabitation and Domestic Hyper-proximity in Social Policies
Giuliana Costa
7. Towards a Sociology of Innovation Ecosystems: Decision-Making under Uncertainty between Social Construction and Bounded Rationality
Simone D’Alessandro
8. Robots in Social Research. Can Social Robots Conduct an Interview?
Eleonora Sparano
I papers sono scaricabili alla pagina web di ISR.