Lettera del Presidente dell’ASA 

November 7, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Today, many of us are grappling with the reality of an uncertain future for our discipline. Many of the initiatives we hold dear, and even our personal and family well-being, may seem threatened. We expect to have our resolve tested in a variety of ways. Nevertheless, we must remain steadfast in our shared commitment to supporting our colleagues and defending our discipline.

Sociology serves as a guiding light that we can rely on in dark and challenging times. Our work brings clarity to current societal changes and provides understanding about the implications of these changes for various populations. Sociological insights can help us forge more promising paths forward. This fact has always been true, but the need for sociological analysis and knowledge is now even more urgent and necessary.

The tools of our discipline add depth and precision to the process of understanding and addressing real-world problems. My wish for us as a sociological community is that we continue to press forward in conducting groundbreaking work that illuminates the world in which we live. May we continue to seek answers and truth. May we continue to share those truths in the classroom, with policymakers, and with public audiences. And may we remain courageous in using sociological knowledge in ways that benefit all of society. We must continue the essential work that we do, even—especially—in times like these.

With gratitude and support for our sociological community,
Adia Harvey Wingfield
President, American Sociological Association

English (UK)