ESA RN35 “Sociology of Migration” Midterm Conference. Departures, arrivals, border-crossings: changing migrations in times of crises.
Thematic outline of the Conference
The scholarship on migration considers its subject as a dynamic social phenomenon, central to wider social transformations. In recent years, multiple crises have been observed across Europe and the world that are shaping the pathways to new transformations, whether as short-term events or enduring processes. Among those crises can be counted the perduring threat of global warming, the 2008 financial crisis, the armed conflicts of the Middle East and the concomitant crisis of the European refugee protection system, the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 Belorussia-Poland border crisis, and the on-going Russian military invasion of Ukraine that has forced more than 6 million civilians to leave their homes at the time of issuing this call.
The RN35 Mid-term conference invites scholars to examine the impact of the multiple, interlocking crises on migration projects, policies, and theories. Its inquiries into the implications of the different and interacting crises for the global population, for states aiming to manage migrant flows, and for scholars analysing migrations in times of crises.
Department of Political Sciences
Largo San Marcellino, 10 – University Federico II, Naples (Italy)