Insights for a balanced regulation. Considering platforms benefits and protection needs

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Insights for a balanced regulation. Considering platforms benefits and protection needs

Insights for a balanced regulation. Considering platforms benefits and protection needs

553 553 people viewed this event.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021
14.30 CET

The joint conference of AgCom (the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority) and the Italian Chapter of IIC (International Institute of Communications) aims to explore online platforms from a novel angle: the benefits that they produce both on an individual and collective level. This can contribute to a more comprehensive and balanced assessment of the social, economic and political role that platforms play, a topic relevant to stakeholders, policymakers and scholars.

Although the very notion of “benefits” varies according to geo-cultural, societal, and political contexts, the conference focuses on a particular aspect: “side effects”. These are positive externalities, i.e. unintended or unexpected outcomes – albeit desirable – produced by the mass diffusion of a specific service, which was originally designed for other purposes. While the direct benefits of online services are obvious and immediately observable, the indirect benefits are more difficult to identify, but nevertheless, crucial to consider when exploring targeted and proportionate remedies.

This three-hour conference will include an introductory plenary session, parallel thematic sessions (Economy, Finance, Labour – Society, Culture, Environment – Law, Democracy, and Institutions), and a conclusive plenary. In each panel, European and non-European regulators, academics, and representatives of the major global players will contribute to the debate by offering their unique points of view.

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