PhD Symposium on Fragile Selves
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the concept of fragility has entered our lives in a much more prominent way. Our social relations and daily habits have become fragmented, and our ‘normality’ now seems to be hanging in a suspended and uncertain temporality. We realized how porous the borders of our identities are, and our definition of the self has become fragile and unstable. However, the idea of fragility – and the broadly related concept of vulnerability and care – have been part of academic discourses and debates long before the current pandemic. Fragility and the self have been discussed from political, philosophical, literary, social, artistic, and historical perspectives that engaged with these concepts from both theoretical and empirical approaches. This symposium aims to bridge how ‘fragility’ is described, conceptualised, and discussed in various contexts and fields and across different times and spaces.
Gli abstract vanno inviati a fragile.selves@unive.it