Monica Massari



Monica Massari is Associate Professor at the University of Milan where she teaches Sociology of Memory, and Global Societies and Rights. Her research activities have mostly addressed issues related to the relationships between globalization, violence and complex forms of crime and, since the early 2000s, she has been focussing on Mediterranean migration with a special focus on gender dynamics, the process of social construction of otherness and new forms of racism and discrimination in Europe. She is currently member of the Advisory Board of the European Sociological Association-ESA (2019-2021) and member of the Board of ESA-Research Network on “Women and Gender Studies”. She has recently co-edited the book Mafia Violence. Political, Symbolic, and Economic Forms of Violence in Camorra Clans (with V. Martone, Routledge 2019), the special issue on “Biography and Society” of the journal Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia (with R. Breckner, 1/2019) and the special issue on “Emancipatory Social Science Today” of the journal Quaderni di Teoria Sociale (with V. Pellegrino, 1/2019). Her latest book is Il corpo degli altri. Migrazioni, memorie, identità (Orthotes, 2017). Currently her research interests focus on the study of traumatic memories in the public sphere with a growing attention toward the use of biographical methods and narrative approaches.



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