IV midterm conference ESA – RN37 Urban Sociology – Call for session proposals (1st STAGE)
For this midterm conference “Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures”, we will first open a call for session proposals. After the list of sessions has been finalized, a second call for individual abstracts to be integrated into the accepted sessions will be opened.
Please send SESSION PROPOSALS to: rn37.esa@gmail.com until January 10 2020.
On February 20th, 2020 we will open a call for individual abstracts.
Call: Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures
Conference themes
For the sessions, while all submissions bearing on a topic related to the sociological study of past, contemporary, and future cities from a theoretical and/or applied perspective are welcome, contributions on the following topics/themes are especially encouraged:
- Classical and contemporary urban theories and theorists,
- Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods of urban research,
- Urban politics and urban actors,
- Processes of urban growth and urban restructuring,
- Urban stratification and urban inequality,
- Identities and subjectivities in the contemporary city,
- Urbanization in a global context.
- If the session you intend to propose does not directly fit with any of the topics outlined, please submit your proposal as an open submission in the submission form